Introducing The Menopause Project!  

Understand your symptoms and navigate your menopause journey with this 12 week plan! 

Nutrition, movement and lifestyle factors are at the heart of peri menopausal symptoms as these are key influencers of our hormone activity and this 12 week programme dives deep to educate on all the big rocks of this life phase that are keeping you stuck and feeling meh. 

The Menopause Project delivers:  

  • Education, guidance and support to help you understand your symptoms and how you can manage them 

  • Accountability to take ownership and responsibility for all that you can change 

  • Support to change habits that may no longer be serving you 

  • Bespoke programming and recommendations for you, your needs and schedule 

The Menopause Project is for you if you are experiencing two or more of the following:

  • Hot flushes, night sweats and fatigue 

  • Constantly on the go and feel there is no respite 

  • Exercising regularly but not seeing the same results 

  • Constantly waking in the middle of the night 

  • Increased feelings of anxiety and panic 

  • Noticing you are more forgetful 

  • Weight gain - especially around the middle 

  • Mood swings and irritability 

  • Painful/aching joints  

A look at what’s included:

Health & Lifestyle Analysis

A full health and lifestyle pre-screen is conducted (at the start and finish) following which you will receive your nutrition guide, meal planner template and food check list.

Weekly Exercise Sessions, Education and Challenges

We start with the symptoms of peri menopause that are of most concern to you.  You will receive easy to digest bite sized education about those symptoms, accompanied by a weekly challenge to help you better manage your symptoms.  In addition you attend the hub for a one hour exercise session each week tailored to your needs. 

Fully Supported

Full coaching and guidance is provided throughout the 12 weeks via a private WhatsApp group for accountability.  In addition, our weekly face to face session provides an opportunity to review the challenges, get clarity on anything and ask any questions you may have.