Targeted Exercise Classes

6 week Targeted Cancer Rehab Classes are small group (up to 4) oncology exercise classes for men and women during their cancer treatment.

The classes are delivered by certified Oncology Physiotherapists and offer individualised exercise rehab for each person within the group. The classes run for one hour per week for 6 weeks and are specifically designed to support people during or after cancer treatment. Targeted classes are limited to a maximum of 4 people and accommodate all ages, fitness levels, and mobility.

They offer a safe space to feel, share, and exercise within your limits and find solidarity with those who understand how it is.

For more information or to apply for charity funding so these classes are FREE please visit Targeted Class | Pinc and Steel

NEXT STEPS Exercise course

NEXT STEPS is a 10 week group oncology exercise program for men and women who want to take the next steps on their road to recovery.

The Program combines the best pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to help rebuild strength, flexibility and stamina.

The program runs for one hour per week for ten weeks and is specifically designed to help people affected by cancer. It is suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatment and accommodates all ages, fitness levels and mobility.

The program is delivered by certified PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehab Physiotherapists and each class combines strength, flexibility and cardiovascular exercises for improving your health and fitness. Weekly take-home resources and exercise handouts are included.

For more information or to apply for charity funding so these classes are FREE please visit Next Steps | Pinc and Steel

Bespoke Rehabilitation Package

Let us do everything for you, this is our premium one to one package which will get you back on track with your health and fitness in 10weeks.

We bring together all our specialist to design your programme specifically for your individual needs. This will include physiotherapy treatments, personal training, and any other treatments and classes that we think will benefit you in your rehabilitation.

Book a call with our specialist oncology physio to get your plan started.


Oncology Physiotherapy and Exercise Medicine

Lymphodema Services

Scar Tissue Therapy

Therapeutic Counselling